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Motor-Mover Rear Wheel

Rear tube | Motor-Mover Rear Wheel
By means of this rear tube you can make an easier turning circle.
Do you have a narrower alley than usual? Then this is definitely recommended!

Set of double wheels - ball bearing | Motor-Mover Rear Wheel ("Heavy")
Set of double ball bearing wheels for Original Motor-Mover rear wheel, for even lighter rolling.
With this wheel set, turning and turning is very easy due to the ball-bearing wheels. This wheel set is suitable for the original Motor-Mover.
- Load capacity 495 kg
- Double ball bearing swivel wheels diameter 75mm, tire width 25mm including swivel and wheel brake of German quality
- 2 year manufacturer's warranty

Set of double wheels | Motor-Mover rear wheel
With this wheel set, turning and turning becomes even easier + more fun. This wheel set is only suitable for the original Motor-Mover rear wheel.
- Load capacity 495kg
- Double swivel castor set diameter 75mm, tire width 25mm including swivel and wheel brake German quality
- 2 year manufacturer's warranty on complete product

Set of single wheels | Motor-Mover Rear wheel
This wheel set is suitable for the original Motor-Mover Rear Wheel.
- Load capacity 450 kg
- Single castor wheels diameter 75mm, tire width 25mm including castor and wheel brake of German quality
- 2 year manufacturer's warranty